Sprinkled among the green hills, secular woods, and the picturesque villages, the painted monasteries are the true jewels that appear here and there in the sunny valleys, in perfect harmony with the surrounding nature. These art monuments of the medieval Romanian environment, founded by the rulers of Moldova in a time of threats and battles against primarily the Ottoman Empire, became strong nuclei of culture and creation, focusing around them the artistic and intellectual life of Moldova. The innovations used in order to build them, as well as the outstanding exterior fresco, unique in the world for their size, are registered in the UNESCO catalogue, and protected as “Great Monuments of the World.”
Moldovita, Humor, Arbore, Sucevita and especially Voronet are preserved in remarkable condition. The brightness of the exterior paintings is still vivid, despite their exposure to all weather conditions. As soon as you pass the gates of the monasteries, these huge paintings, which are outlined against the background of a blue summer sky or of the sparkling white of snow, will send you to a world of spirituality.
Built of stone and bricks, these sites obey the requests of the Greek Orthodox religion and, by organizing the inner space, are derived from the Byzantine tradition. Their shape is given by the triconch and rectangular shape, or sometimes by an original blending of the two. The innovation consists of the construction of the nave by an extremely intelligent system, unique in the medieval architecture, of superimposing huge arches, which render a greater stability and expression to the whole building. All the elements of the construction play an important role in its decoration: the round shapes of the abutments, the unpolished stone elements, the portals and windows, and the mingling of the arches and niches. All of these emphasize the effect of verticality on the edifices.
But there are so many things to say about these gorgeous artifacts of the orthodox faith! Historians and art critics deal with them in huge tomes and complicated terms. Their biggest force lies in the impression that they leave on the traveler, in the tranquility that they bring into their souls, in the peace and recollection of atmosphere, and in the direct connection with times enveloped in mystery, which continue to fascinate to this day.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Bucovina monasteries
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
6:19 PM
Etichete: monastires
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Programul Summer Work and Travel USA
De ce sa aleg W&T?
• dobandesc experienta de lucru intr-un mediu cultural diferit, in cea mai dezvoltata tara capitalista
• am ocazia sa intru in contact cu o oameni din toate colturile lumii
• vizitez locuri pe care le-am vazut doar in filme
• castig libertate si distractie alaturi de alti tineri
• imi perfectionez limba engleza
• am posibilitatea de a ma intoarce acasa cu o suma frumoasa de bani
…alte motive te lasam sa le descoperi singur…si nu uita sa ni le spui si noua!!!
Conditii de inscriere:
• Student la cursuri de zi, la o facultate de stat sau particulara acreditata
• Varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 28 de ani
• Cunostinte minime de limba engleza
• Disponibilitatea de a lucra in sectorul serviciilor in SUA in statiuni turistice, parcuri de distractie sau parcuri nationale, cazinouri, hoteluri, etc
Studentii din anul 1 se pot inscrie la programul Work and Travel daca dupa primul semestru au media peste 9. Ambasada SUA urmareste ca aplicantii din aceasta categorie sa aiba rezultate scolare bune si prin urmare a stabilit ca si criteriu media peste 9.
In cazul studentilor la master cu o durata de minim 1.5 ani, obtinerea vizei va depinde de interviul la ambasada dar si de rezultatele obtinute in primul semestru al anului curent.
Studentii din Republica Moldova,Ucraina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia (indiferent de anul de studiu) pot participa la program daca indeplinesc conditiile de eligibilitate (de medie si de limba engleza).
Refuzurile de viza au fost in general datorita neindeplinirii conditiilor referitoare la medie. In general, Ambasada doreste sa vada un progres in evolutia scolara a aplicantilor (o medie mai mica in anul 1 urmata de o medie mai mare in ceilalti ani).
Ce include programul?
• obtinerea unui loc de munca sau oferirea de informatii pentru gasirea unui loc de munca (in functie de varianta de program aleasa)
• obtinerea documentelor necesare obtinerii vizei (formularul DS 2019 si chitanta SEVIS)
• asigurare medicala pentru maxim 18 luni
• un ghid al participantului si un card de identificare
• intalnire de orientare inainte de a pleca in SUA in cadrul careia se vor oferi informatii utile si importante referitoare la program
• asistenta telefonica gratuita 24 de ore din 24 pe teritoriul SUA
Locuri de munca eligibile
Poti lucra ca si waiter/waitress, guest room attendant, cafe worker, cashier, resort worker, host/hostess, barman, wait-staff si pe orice pozitie mai putin ca : au-pair/babysitter/dădacă/muncă domestică; supraveghetor în tabere de copii; servicii medicale/veterinare/farmaceutice sau orice altă activitate care presupune contact direct cu pacienţii sau prescrierea de medicamente; angajare prin intermediul agenţiilor de plasare de forţă de muncă, activităţi care presupun câştigarea unui venit din comercializarea mărfurilor (de exemplu vânzări din uşă în uşă)
Salarizare si Cazare
Ca si participant la acest program vei fi platit cu minim 6 dolari pe ora pentru cel putin 35-40 de ore pe saptamana lucrate. Viza de munca J1 iti permite sa iti iei un al doilea job. Majoritatea participantilor la acest program isi iau cel putin doula locuri de munca.
Cazarea este oferita contra cost de catre angajator la preturi speciale.
Documente necesare inscrierii
• Formular de aplicare ZIP (inclusiv o fotografie) completat clar, cu majuscule; sa fie trecuta corect si cat mai citet adresa de mail deoarece va fi principalul mod de comunicare intre ZIP si aplicant
• Copie dupa pasaport / buletin ; nu este obligatoriu detinerea pasaportului la inscriere insa in termen de o luna de la inscriere aplicantul trebuie sa prezinte la ZIP o copie dupa pasaport; pasaportul trebuie sa fie valabil minim 6 luni de la intoarcerea din SUA
• Adeverinta de student recenta
• Termeni si conditii (independent, premium)
• Contractul de munca, pentru plasamentul independent (IPA), care poate fi depus la o data ulterioara inscrierii, pana la un termen stabilit in contractul de mediere
Tipul programului
Plasament Independent
Alegand aceasta optiune, iti cauti singur locul de munca si cazarea si depui la Zip Travel contractul de munca semnat de catre tine si angajator (IPA).
Dupa plata primelor 2 transe ale programului, Zip Travel iti pune la dispozitie o baza de date cu adresele unor angajatori care in trecut au angajat studenti romani plecati prin intermediul Zip Travel precum si detalii despre modalitatea de abordare a angajatorilor.
Plasament Premium
Alegand aceasta optiune, Zip Travel iti cauta loc de munca si cazarea. De obicei, se organizeaza un targ de locuri de munca unde studentii au posibilitatea sa-si aleaga locul de munca dorit.
Indiferent de varianta de program aleasa, beneficiezi de consultata pe toata durata participarii tale la program.
Finalizarea aplicatiei
In perioada ianuarie-aprilie, in functie de varianta de program aleasa, aplicantii trebuie sa semneze oferta de munca si sa plateasca integral costul programului.
Pentru Plasamentul Independent, contractul de munca trebuie depus in termenul prevazut in contractul de mediere.
Pentru plasamentul Premium, dupa achitarea integrala a programului, aplicantul isi poate alege un loc de munca din listele oferite de catre Zip Travel sau la targul de locuri de munca organizat in perioada februarie-martie.
In termen de 2-3 saptamani de la semnarea ofertei de munca, vor sosi din SUA documentele necesare aplicarii la viza.
Incepand cu luna februarie se pot depune dosarele pentru obtinerea vizei.
Dosarul pentru viza trebuie sa contina urmatoarele:
1. pasaport valabil 6 luni de la intoarcerea in Romania (din octombrie 2007)
2. carnet de student cu toate notele completate si semnate
3. adeverinta de student pentru ambasada SUA
4. foaia matricola semnata si stampilata de care RECTOR si sigilata intr-un plic cu semnatura si stampila (va trebui sa contina notele din anii anteriori si cele de pe primul semestru)
5. taxa de viza in valoare de 100 USD care se va achita in lei la orice sucursala Banca Transilvania din tara. In plus, Ambasada US a introdus si o taxa de inregistrare la interviu in valoare de 11 USD.
6. permisul de munca semnat si chitanta platii taxei SEVIS
7. formularele
DS 156 (care se va completa in limba ENGLEZA, electronic pe site-ul ambasadei SUA, https://evisaforms.state.gov/ds156.asp,
DS 157 http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/79964.pdf - (numai baietii) si
DS 158 - http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/79965.pdf- (care vor fi printate tot de pe siteul ambasadei).
8. o fotografie tip pasaport, 5*5 cm, pe fundal alb, cu parul dat dupa urechi si fara cercei dupa urmatoarele indicatii *) download info
Formularul DS156 trebuie printat dupa completare (se va genera un document PDF de trei pagini, care va contine un cod de bare si care trebuie sa fie printat cat mai clar).
Dupa obtinerea vizei, aplicantul trebuie sa depuna la sediul ZIP in termen de 3 saptamani, o adeverinta medicala in care se specifica faptul ca aplicantul este apt de munca si o adeverinta de la Directia Pasapoarte care atesta ca aplicantul nu are interdictie de a parasi tara.
In perioada aprilie-mai va avea loc o intalnire de orientare organizata de Zip Travel in colaborare cu partenerii sai din SUA, la care prezenta va fi obligatorie. Zip Travel recomanda participantilor citirea cu atentie a brosurilor cu informatii pe care le vor fi primit pana in acel moment. In cadrul acestei intalniri se vor clarifica eventualele neclaritati cu privire la programul Work and Travel, oferindu-se informatii despre ce etape trebuie sa parcurga participantii dupa ce vor intra pe teritoriul SUA.
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
5:17 PM
Etichete: work and travel
Friday, October 19, 2007
ROMANIA HIKING TOUR Discover Western and Northern Carpathians
Scarisoara Ice Cave - the biggest ice cave in Eastern Europe explored in this hiking tour
Rusty Pit - the biggest ground slide also found in your Romania vacation
Rooster Ridge - an impressive volcanic rock located on top of Gutai Mountains
Huda lui Papara Cave - do you remember the history of Pied Piper, the magic flute singer? If not, this Romania hiking tour will remind it to you: it is believed that Huda lui Papară communicates with that cave in Germany in which Pied Piper hid the children from Hamelin
Dracula’s Castle Transylvania - the castle mentioned in Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”, you cannot say you’ve been in an Europe walking tour if you haven’t seen it
Corvinestilor Castle - the place where Vlad the Impaler (also named Dracula) received his education, a “bloody” marvelous experience of any Romania vacation.
Turzii’s Gorges - one of the most important natural reservations of the Apuseni Mountains
Merry Cemetery - discover how a cemetery can be merry in the picturesque and traditional area of Maramures, a cultural treat of such a Europe walking tour and a must see for a Romania vacation.
Level and Fitness
5-10 km walking per day, 100-500 m altitude difference; the walking in this Romania hiking tour is mainly on mountain paths.
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
4:36 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Spa towns, tomatoes and the Motz people
After breakfast and paying for the night (a stunning 10.000 Lei, or $1.5) we set off for the market in Baile Felix , another spa resort a few kilometres further south. Whereas Baile 1 Mai is a peaceful village, this resort has been commercialised big time: high-rise hotels, disco’s and large swimming pools and lakes here and there, but not many visitors. Baile Felix was one of the most popular spa’s of Transylvania, but internal tourism in Romania has dipped since 1989 (not so many trade-union subsidised spa treatments for workers any more) and the hotels are seldom booked full. Still, the small market in the centre was lively, and we got some fresh and delicious tomatoes, cucumbers (small ones, the size of pears), green/yellow paprika’s (you eat these raw for lunch) and plums. This is usually the moment that Westerners get their second Romania-shock : for some reason fruit and vegetables taste much better here than at home. The difference between Dutch greenhouse-cultivated and over-perfected tomatoes (which taste like hard bags of sour water) and Romania home-grown non-insecticided tomatoes (which taste even better than Italian pomodores) is striking. Funny that the EU is lobbying to allow large-scale export of their subsidised agricultural products to Romania... can the fledgling local tomato market survive this invasion? For taste’s sake, let's hope so.
After leaving Baile Felix in beautiful weather (sunny and not too hot) on the now peaceful road, we got to cycle through the real Romania: rolling hills, long villages, chickens on the road, people watching their geese or working on the fields (something not seen much in the ‘richer’ countries of Eastern Europe) and pretty good roads. The contrast with Hungarian villages, just a few kilometres to the west, is very large: not so much western cars (not much cars at all, really), not so much large new houses or recent renovations, no ATM’s in larger villages, no tourist information signs. On the other hand there’s more to see for visitors: more animals pecking around, more people who wave or stare (or do both) at you, more horse-drawn carts, more old women letting their cows out (yes, holding a leash). The difference with Hungary becomes more striking when you realise that this is one of the richer rural parts of Romania.
As we proceeded south-east, the 1800 metre high Western Carpathian range came into sight to the left of us. We were planning to cycle straight through (or over) this range and reach Cluj avoiding main roads. We passed a number of hay-filled horse-cart ‘road-trains’. These belong to the lumberjacks who transport logs from the mountain valleys down to the towns and villages on the plain, and haul hay for their horses back up the mountains. Some of these people belong to the intreaging Motz ‘minority’: a special extra-stubborn group of Romanians (said to be descendants of the Celts) that fled into this part of the Carpathians after the Habsburg Empire ordered the men to serve in the army. They still live up there in characteristic villages and thatched houses (most found in the mountains south of the Aries river valley) in an almost mediaeval setting. Modern life has brought the lumberjacks easier ways of getting their carts uphill: they’re hooked in a long train behind a tractor, and the younger men gallop the horses up the road. On the steep way down, the cart’s brake is a piece of plastic or an old tyre, weighed down by large stones, that is dragged along behind the cart. Sometimes the stones drop off. The main cart route is the (asphalt) road from Stei (called Dr. Petru Groza on old maps) towards Arieseni and Campeni (which we didn’t take).
In the town of Beius we visited the market and bought enough food to survive a mountain trek. After another couple of kilometres we took a left turn from the main road that we had been following since Oradea, and headed over the last stretch of flat grasslands straight for the Apuseni (or West Carpathian) Mountains. To the south we could see dark rain clouds gathering against the range (which eventually decided not to rain on us), and increasingly had to struggle against a strong wind. We reached Pietroasa, a village beautifully situated at the foot of the mountains. No campings or hotels here: we wanted to camp in someone’s back yard or field. The wise old men of the village, discussing today’s events on a bench in the centre, advised us to go further towards the mountains and find a spot near the road. Heading on, the road soon turned from asphalt to gravel and after leaving Pietroasa the road entered a small valley gradually ascending into the mountains. After having passed a few horse-carts loaded with villagers returning from the fields and woods, we turned on to a steep and rough track, and found a nice spot of grass next to the stream. We also asked a woman who was hand-mowing grass in a nearby orchard if we could pitch the tent there, but the field still needed mowing, and she didn’t want us to flatten her grass. Next to the stream it was, then. After another successful joint-venture Dutch-Romanian meal we picked our dessert from nearby bramble and raspberry bushes. As a precaution we decided not to chain our bikes to a tree, but to lay them half under the front of our tent. Lots of people had seen us turn into this road, and we didn’t want to take any risks on our first night camping wild. After a very cold and very short semi-bath in the stream it took some acrobatics to get into the tent, but it was worth the peace of mind. Of course, nothing happened.
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
3:42 PM
Etichete: Travel
Monday, October 15, 2007
Turkish Travel Spots. Marmaris
Some time ago Marmaris, like most of coastal cities in Turkey, was an unpopular Turkish village. From time to time it was visited by passenger boats on their voyages along the Mediterranean coast. It took only several years to turn it into a prosperous resort. Vacations in Marmaris will help you feel the life!
Marmaris is located in the south-west of Turkey, in the spot where Aegean Sea meets the Mediterranean sea. This is a large natural harbour. Hills stretching to the sea and wonderful bays add to the citys charm. Forests are the main local value: the city occupies a territory of 86 thousand hectares, and 65 thousand hectares of this land is taken up by the forests.
In the centre of the old town there is a castle standing on a hill, with ancient narrow streets radiating from the castle. These buildings are a typical example of the Mugla architecture. Old Marmaris quarters will carry you away with their noisy markets and old charm.
Being one of the most significant Mediterranean yacht centers, Marmaris is excellent to start sea voyages and acquaintance with the coast. The place is close to the Greek Rhodes island, so you have a wonderful opportunity to visit two countries during one trip.
Day is excellent to enjoy rest at one of the wonderful beaches. Among the activities the coast offers there are: catamarans, parasailing, water skiing and sailing. If you seek for solitude, there is another beach found in Icmeler. And if even this is not enough, wake up early in the morning and take a ship to the sandy beaches of Cleopatra Island, or to the Turtle Beach.
Vacations in Marmaris are excellent for diving lovers. There are several diving centers here, each offering well-organised underwater trips and excursions as well as lessons for beginners. As for the evenings, cosy bars and restaurants with delicious dishes from all over the world are waiting for you. Night clubs and entertainment centers are opened almost until sunrise, so you wont be bored. The famous Marmaris Bar Street is always filled with lively atmosphere. Many bars offer dance floors. The entrance is often free, so you pay only for drinks. Marina quay has many cafes and seafood restaurants. Children will also like two small water parks (though grown-ups might feel a bit bored there).
Every day the port of Marmaris meets luxurious cruise liners with tourists willing to get acquainted with local and nearby attractions. One of them is the ancient city of Efes which was the second largest Roman site (the first is Rome). The other attraction is the Pamukkale resort, the cotton castle which is often called the worlds 8th wonder.
Shopping in Marmaris deserves special attention. Numerous shops in the heart of the city sell leather, natural sponges, carpets, sandals, clothes and traditional embroidery. Most hotels are usually suburban-style. Since they stand along the coast they are good for those who arrived here for sunbathing. There are also several club hotels, with larger territory. Most of them are 3- and 4-star.
Marmaris is a true Turkish pearl. All year round the resort welcomes visitors from all over the world. Visitors are attracted with its cosmopolitan and peaceful atmosphere. You can be the one of those!
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
8:11 PM
1 comentarii
Etichete: Turkey
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Moo Restaurant
This is The Moo Restaurant. An imaginary restaurant that is located in a kindergarden. My sonn imaginated this restaurant and it has all the ingredients to make it usefull. All the clients are first class, the tips are huge, the waitreses are wearing squirts and high hills.
Everybody are happy. Nobody is having bad times here. The meal is great. All that you can imagine, is here. Al the aliens and martians are having dinner at this restaurant.
The flying objects from the sky are making a shape like a royal sign.
In the next minute, my son is awake and everithing that I told you before just vanished. Like a smoke. I`ll tell you more later. See You!
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
5:36 PM
Etichete: dream
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A "Floating" Vacation
Covering 1075 km on Romanian territory, the Danube is, for luxury and comfort lovers, host to cruises that satisfy even the most exigent tastes.
Beyond the pleasures of a cruise, here you shall also have the opportunity to explore and get acquainted with the culture and civilization of these places, during the 5 stops on the Romanian territory – Orşova or Drobeta Turnu Severin, Giurgiu or Olteniţa, Cernavodă, Brăila and Tulcea, All of these stops are cities built on the sites of antique cities and fortresses.
Blessed with an opening to the Black Sea, Romania is a stop for cruises that reach these waters. Arrived in Constanta, the biggest port of Romania, you will have the occasion to visit some special places. Traces of the flourishing fortress of Tomis; the eclectic architecture that arises from the ethnic mix; the Casino that guards the sea; and, the restaurants and fancy cafes shall all charm you. Be sure to spend a special day in the city where Ovid, the Roman poet of delicate love, wrote some of the most beautiful poems of the Antique world. You can choose to go on a tour of the sunny Romanian Seaside or taste the wines of the famous Murfatlar vineyards.
If you reach Galati, you must not miss the opportunity to go on a cruise on the Danube. For this you have to choose between the „Stefan cel Sfant” sailing ship, „Vega” catamaran or „Tudor Vladimirescu” paddle boat, the only one of this kind still functioning in Europe. This last one was built in the middle of 19th century at the Ganzdanubius Shipyard, in order to ensure the commercial transportation on the Danube and, in 1919, the boat was compensation to Romania for damages from World War I. Renamed “Satmizegetusa” and transformed into a passenger boat, the boat was repaired and redecorated in 2004, now showcasing two saloons, an indoor and deck bars, and a capacity of 100 passengers.
Those who travel with the “Tudor Vladimirescu” boat can be proud that some important historical figures came aboard this ship: King Ferdinand and Queen Mary, King Carol the 2nd, King Mihai, and Marshals Averescu and Antonescu.
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
10:32 AM
Etichete: Danube
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Routes in Apuseni Mountains: Someşului Cald Vale – Onceasa Clearing
Duration: 1 1/2 h
Length: 4 km
Height difference: +150 m / -30 m
Note: Easy way, practicable all the year.
The blaze starts at the northern point of the Somesul Cald tour, thence where the path turns back and it crosses the stream. Soon we pass an eruption and we get to the drive going in the direction of IC Ponor. Our blaze takes us on this way to the Oneasa green where we meet the blue-strip (Padis – Vladeasa) and the red-cross what comes from the Cumpanatelu saddle and it goes to the cave. Therefore we have to go on it rightwards.
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
12:12 PM
Etichete: Routings
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Medieval Festival in Sighisoara
For Romanians Young Of Heart on a Queste for the Olde Ways, there be no better destination than Ye Medieval Festival in Sighisoara.
The Saxon town background is unrivaled as a setting for fully costumed re-enactors.
They stride the streets like knights of yore.
And worship the body like flower children of yesterday.
Fortunes told by parrot.
The pretending and partying goes until the bodies drop, in the campgrounds or where ever exhaustion took its final revenge.
The Roma (Gypsies) are real, selling their copper wares in the heat of the good times.
Sighisoara is one of the best preserved medieval towns in Europe and the venue for Romania’s most remarkable street festivals: The Festival of Medieval Arts and Crafts. Re-creating a medieval atmosphere, complete with troubadour music and costume parades, street entertainers and handicraft displays, open air night concerts and medieval ceremonies, this event will allow you to immerse yourself in the lore and legends of medieval Transylvania. For a unique experience have lunch in the house where Vlad Tepes (the real Dracula) was born.
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
8:56 AM
Etichete: Festival
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Travel in Transylvania
Transylvania, situated in the central part of Romania is the most cosmopolitan province: its inhabitants, are Romanians, Magyars, Gypsies, Germans, Jews and Ukrainians.
The landscape, picturesque and attractive for tourists, consists mainly in hills and mountains. Among them we have to mention the Apuseni Mountains which are a synthesis of the Romanian Carpathians.
The touristic potential of Transylvania is extremely rich - this is the ideal region where the pleasure tourism, rest, short holidays or different sports can be done. In the mountainous zone, the eye and heart are fascinated by the wonderful landscapes of Transylvania. The karst zone includes some caves of a great speleologic value. In the mountain forests the wild boars, bears, lynxes, deer and wolf still survive in their authentic environment. Also the flora counts numerous of endemic and unique species, especially in the karst zones of the mountains.
Transylvania offers a hospitable home to all its guests who want to see, to feel the nature and peoples in an exceptional tourist region confirmed as such by the ones who visited it. The folk customs and traditions are a point of interest both for Romanian and foreign tourists. Among them we have to mention the Fair of Girls on the on the Gaina Mountain organized every year on about July, 20th (Sf. Ilie).
Points of tourist interest are also museums and hundreds of architectural monuments in all European styles from the Gothic, baroque and Renaissance to the Secession and modern ones. There are old architectural piles of buildings which are relevant to the history and civilization of the region. Among them there are the fortified Transylvanian Saxon churches which are a characteristic defining phenomenon for the civilization and culture of Transylvania.
Dracula's Land, Transylvania is tiring in history and legends; it has preserved an enormous treasure of folklore and popular art, a land of matchless underground wealth, a land that has for centuries bred tough, industrious people, with beautiful faces, garments, and unrivaled hospitality.
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
12:56 AM
Etichete: Travel
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The Merry Cemetery from Sapanta
It is quite fascinating to witness the courage of those who do not fear death! Fascinating for the trust that they place in God, their faith in a happy After Life, and the power that they gain upon life when they laugh in the face of death. One of the very few places in this world where this bold attitude is truly represented is Sapanta village, in Maramures. It even boasts the clever and suggestive name: the Merry Cemetery.
The colored crosses, painted in a popular manner and comprising many symbols, were conceived by Stan Patras, a local craftsman who made the first one in 1935. For 50 years the master and his apprentices transformed oak wood into beautiful crosses that still enchant visitors. But the artist didn’t stop there. Instead, he took care that every cross should have an “epitaph”: a short poem written in the first person, and full of archaic and regional words. These epitaphs made for an ironical testimony for the life of the deceased. Lines like „Here is my place to rest/Stan Ion was my name/Since I was a little one/I preferred to stay at home/Something more I did enjoy/Drinking brandy and be joy” are written on all of the crosses from this cemetery. Their continuity and beauty transforms the place into a real museum.
Situated at 18 km away from Sighetu Marmatiei, the Merry Cemetery is a unique and original place that should be on every traveler’s itinerary.
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
7:25 PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Somewhere, a long time ago, both people and gods were sharing the sky and the land, the light and the darkness, the joy and the pain.
That is why, up there, at the foot of the clouds, below the holy tear of the sunrays, rolled like a cup of gems over the face of the Mountain which is guarding a bunch of wooden, bricked and stoned houses, lived the “mountaineers”, living pillars of the blue sky wrapping in snow its hidden paths, the roads, the valleys, the woods, with their small horses. There, a small hen had its shelter, making golden eggs and all the “mountaineers” were wondering and wondering and they started to protect her and to devote to thoughts , deeds and songs.
For their golden egg hen they could kill and she was safe from one season to another. Only once a year the “mountaineers” could see her face, her lonely and enigmatical image with her wings open over the vastness.
On the day of the St. Ilie the “mountaineers” were gathering like the rivers in the same bed to tell each other their problems, their hopes and dreams, to offer their children a chance to meet, to fall in love and to propose their hearts to join forever, in marriage. The hen used to descend from her unseen shelter placed on the top of the Mountain. She used to approach the young ones and waving her wings ones she turned into a charming goddess which was approaching the newly married couples with a golden egg in her hands, offering it for happiness and long life. Both people and Mountain were applauding, praying and giving thanks. In the sound of their applause the goddess raised her hands to the sky and turned back into a Hen, hiding herself from the mortals eyes. So the seasons found them, thus starting a habit of faith and love. That’s why, that proud mountain who’s peaks are covered with white clouds, in a height of more then 1500 m was named and forever will be, “The Gaina Mountain”.
But the peace, quite and harmony was broken by thoughtless eyes who have forever been trying to discover the nest of the golden Hen and to steal her golden eggs. And finally, with evil’s help, they succeeded. The hen had left her shelter for another festival, on the shoulder of another mountain, having as a purpose the peace of mind of the inhabitants, and some unexpected visitors together with that ruthless man violently searching the nest took the eggs, hid them under his shirt and ran away.
Coming back home and discovering the theft, the goddess was very unhappy and with bitter heart she decided to leave the place forever. She rose her hands high up in the sky, turned into a hen and flew, unseen, to another mountain. And that mountain was at Rosia Montana.
The people mourned her, bagged her to go back to them but the miracle did not happened. Gaina mountain remained behind with barren peaks, haunted by rains, wild winds and snows, by tears and legends. People come to meet the mountain as often as they can, hoping they will be able to tame, to quench its patience, harmony and longing.
They say, the thief that had stolen the eggs fell into a deep strait and the eggs were lost into the depth. They become springs of water or torrents – the crack can be seen today covered by clouds. The Apuseni Mountains and the people living there have been suffering ever since.
Publicat de
Cristian Uta
5:27 PM